Camping With Dogs

Consider if your pup enjoys camping. Some dogs prefer indoors. Older, untrained, or unhealthy dogs may be better left with a pet sitter.

Assess your dog's readiness for camping: Consider age, health, training, personality, and comfort. Plan day trips to test adaptability before overnight stays.

Research dog-friendly campsites: Call ahead or check online for trails and campgrounds that allow dogs. Be aware of leash laws and specific rules, as they may vary. Consider seasonal changes in pet-friendliness.

Ensure dog's safety while camping: update microchip info/tags, use GPS collar, pack dog first aid kit. Keep dog supervised, use tie-out cable/crate when necessary. Be prepared for weather changes and wildlife.

Etiquette for camping with dogs: Respect leash laws, pick up waste, minimize barking, use distractions, bring a dog life jacket for swimming.

Essential dog camping gear: food, water, bowls, poop bags, wipes, leash, harness, first aid kit.

Optional dog camping gear: water filter, campsite tether, dog tent/crate, sleeping bag, backpack/carrier, light-up collar, cooling vest, dog boots.