Top 10 Most Dangerous Bridges in the World

This rope bridge in Northern Pakistan is known for its decaying planks and unstable structure, making it quite dangerous to cross.

1. Hussaini Hanging Bridge

This bridge looks incredibly steep due to its design, which is intended to allow ships to pass underneath. This steep incline can be intimidating for drivers.

2.Eshima Ohashi Bridge

Located at a very high altitude in the French Alps, this suspension bridge offers stunning views but can be nerve-wracking due to its height and exposure.

3.Aiguille du Midi Bridge

This bridge in Colorado, USA, hangs high over the Arkansas River, offering breathtaking views but also a sense of danger due to its height and narrowness.

4.Royal Gorge Bridge

Also known as the "Bridge of Immortals," this bridge is built into the side of a cliff on Huangshan Mountain. Its narrow width and exposed location make it a challenging crossing.

5. Huangshan Bridge

While not as extreme as some of the others on this list, this bridge in Vancouver, Canada, is still considered dangerous for those with a fear of heights due to its swinging motion and height above the river.

6. Capilano Suspension Bridge

This railway bridge is notorious for its decaying structure and lack of proper maintenance, posing a danger to trains that cross it.

7.Akkol-Karaganda Bridge

This lengthy bridge in Louisiana, USA, is one of the longest continuous bridges over water in the world. It can be challenging to navigate during adverse weather conditions.

8.Lake Pontchartrain Causeway

This narrow bridge in Costa Rica is not only in poor condition but also has no guardrails, making it dangerous for drivers.

9.Quepos Bridge

Connecting two sides of a deep gorge, this bridge is known for its shaky structure and exposure to strong winds, adding to the risk factor.

10.Ghasa Suspension Bridge

10 Most Dangerous Waters In The World