What Happens If You Never Clean Your Hairbrush, and Neglect This Task

Maintaining healthy hair requires time and effort. Regular trimming, feeding with premium shampoos and conditioners, and gentle handling with silk scrunchies and microfiber towels are all necessary. In order to keep your hair healthy, it’s also essential to clean your hairbrushes frequently, something that many of us undoubtedly forget (or at least don’t do as often as we should). If you fall into this category, continue reading to see what actually occurs if you never clean your hairbrush from dermatologists and stylists. Warning: it’s not nice.

What Happens If You Never Clean Your Hairbrush, Doctors and Stylists Say    

Neglecting to clean your hairbrush can lead to several undesirable consequences, affecting both the appearance and health of your hair.

Hairbrush Neglect and its Impact on Your Hair and Scalp

female hair loss hairbrush

According to Alpana Mohta, MD, a dual board-certified dermatologist, neglecting to clean your hairbrush can lead to a buildup of oils, dirt, and dead skin cells. As you continue using the brush, this residue transfers back to your hair, resulting in a lackluster appearance characterized by dullness and greasiness. Additionally, styling products like hairspray and mousse contribute to the buildup, making it harder to style your hair.

If you find your hair appearing flat or requiring frequent clarifying shampoo treatments, it may be time to inspect your hairbrush for accumulated residue.

Hair Damage

Woman with split ends

Beyond affecting your hair’s appearance, a dirty hairbrush can also compromise its health. Hamdan Abdullah Hamed, a board-certified dermatologist, warns that a brush filled with hair and debris can create tangles and knots, leading to breakage and split ends. If you notice your brush struggling to remove knots, it’s a sign that cleaning is necessary.

Scalp Health Concerns

woman looking in mirror

The impact of a neglected hairbrush extends beyond your hair to your scalp’s health. Steven Line, MD, a member of the advisory board of the American Cosmetic Association, explains that a dirty brush can harbor bacteria and fungus, increasing the risk of scalp infections like folliculitis and dandruff. Sharing unclean brushes can further exacerbate these risks.

Unpleasant Odors

Woman Looking at Her Brush

The accumulation of oils, dirt, and hair on a hairbrush creates an ideal environment for bacteria growth, resulting in unpleasant odors. This issue is compounded by residues from hair products like hairspray and mousse. Regular cleaning with weekly washes helps mitigate these odors.

Brush Longevity


If you don’t take care of your brushes, you may shorten their lifespan and eventually have to spend more money on hair equipment. Mohta claims that product and oil buildup might lead to brittle and broken hairbrush bristles. Furthermore, “if you have a natural bristle brush, the buildup can cause the bristles to become matted and lose their effectiveness,” she states.

Cleaning Recommendations

Best hair cleansing ingredients for clean, healthy hair

Experts advise cleaning your hairbrush once a week to extend its life and safeguard your hair and scalp. To clean synthetic brushes, just pull out any loose hairs and give them a 10-minute soak in warm, soapy water. After you rinse and dry, you’re done!

Priya Singh

Hey readers! I'm Priya Singh Founder of (MercerOnline.com), I am full-time Digital Marketer, Organic Affiliate Marketer & a Blogger.

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