What Happens If You Don’t Clean Your Makeup Brushes for Over a Month: Know the Possible Harm It Can Cause

Weekly tasks include sweeping, cleaning off surfaces, cleansing the bathroom, and doing laundry like clockwork. However, certain things are not as natural, and cleaning makeup brushes is frequently one of them. The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) recommends washing them with soap and water every seven to ten days. But if you ask the typical makeup user how often they wash theirs, you’ll probably get a very different answer. You should read on if you belong to that group of people. Here, physicians and cosmetic artists inform us about the unpleasant consequences of not cleaning your makeup brushes for more than a month.

What Happens If You Don’t Clean Your Makeup Brushes for Over a Month, According to Experts

The Brushes Could Develop Pore-Clogging Bacteria

Close-up of a Woman's Face with Acne

Neglecting to wash your makeup brushes for an extended period can result in a buildup of bacteria, dirt, and oil, warns Anna Chacon, MD, a board-certified dermatologist. This accumulation of grime from your skin, makeup, and brushes can clog pores, leading to acne breakouts and skin sensitivity.

Your Makeup Will Look Muddy


Makeup artist Alyssia Chang explains that dirty brushes can trap makeup pigment particles between the bristles, causing them to clump together. This affects the brush’s performance, resulting in an undesirable texture buildup and muddy color application on the skin. Moreover, residue from previous makeup applications can alter the color payoff, hindering precision in makeup looks.

The Brushes Could Deteriorate

Broken makeup

Failing to clean your brushes regularly can lead to staining, crustiness, and decreased longevity, warns makeup artist Mandie Brice. Liquid or cream products left on brushes can cause staining and buildup, while excessive product buildup can lead to bristle breakage. Additionally, makeup accumulation within the ferrule can cause bristles to fall out more easily, necessitating more frequent brush replacements.

The Brushes Could Begin to Smell

Professional makeup brushes in tube. Dirty makeup tools.

A neglected brush can emit unpleasant odors due to the accumulation of skin oils and makeup residue, says Alyssia Chang. Regular cleaning not only maintains brush hygiene but also enhances the makeup application experience by ensuring odorless brushes.

You Open the Door for Infection, Disease, and Allergies

Woman looking at her acne in the mirror

Dirty brushes pose health risks beyond aesthetic concerns, cautions Chang. Failure to clean brushes increases the risk of spreading bacteria and viruses, potentially causing serious infections such as conjunctivitis or herpes simplex virus infection. Additionally, neglected brushes can trigger allergic reactions due to accumulated makeup ingredients, leading to discomfort and inflammation.Regularly cleaning your brushes with lukewarm water and gentle shampoo can prevent these issues and maintain optimal brush hygiene.

Priya Singh

Hey readers! I'm Priya Singh Founder of (MercerOnline.com), I am full-time Digital Marketer, Organic Affiliate Marketer & a Blogger.

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