How to Clean Blackstone Griddle?

Are you also looking for how to clean Blackstone griddle?

If yes, then you’re at the right place!

Blackstone griddle is one of the useful tools for cooking. It gets dirty after every cooking session. Thus, it needs to be cleaned regularly. This guide helps you learn the various step-by-step processes to clean the grill thoroughly. Let’s have a glance at the how-to clean blackstone griddle: 

How to Clean Blackstone Griddle After Cooking?

Step- 1: Initiate with the cool grill

Firstly, you must ensure that the grill is completely cooled down after cooking. It will help you clean the grill easily. 

Step- 2: Scrape all the residue food particles 

In the second step, you must use a metal spatula or a metal scraper to scrape off the extra food particles and juices. Please scrape in the direction of the drip pans and then allow the paper towel to clean all the remaining grease. 

If you find any strong food particles, you can loosen them up with water. It will help you remove them easily. 

Step – 3: Scrub off the surface

Once you have cleaned out the recently cooked food, you must spray the hot water on the surface. Then, it would help if you scrubbed off the grill with the non-metallic scrubber to clear off the remaining residue. 

You should not use the wire brush. Otherwise, it will leave the tiny metal bits, which will lead the grill to rust or might even get in the next food you cook. Clear off the pan with a paper towel if it has any debris. 

Step – 4: It’s time to dry and season the grill

You need to dry out the grill with the help of a microfiber griddle. Then, you need to spread one or two tablespoons of vegetable oil over the cooking surface. It would help if you made sure that the entire surface gets covered. Make sure not to leave the puddles of oil on the grill. 

How to clean and season a new blackstone griddle?

Step – 1: Start by mixing the cleaning solution

Firstly, you need a bucket with at least two gallons of water. Just add some squirts of good dishwashing liquid and mix well in it. Now, your cleaning material is ready. 

Step – 2: Scrub the cooking surfaces

Dip a microfiber towel into the recently prepared dishwashing liquid solution. Then, start scrubbing off the entire surface. Also, rinse your microfiber towel in the solution after each cleaning of the cooking surface.  

Step – 3: Rinse the cooking surface and let it dry

Now, you need to empty the bucket of cleaning solution and refill it with hot water. Now, dip the microfiber towel in the fresh hot water and wipe the surface off to remove any soap residue. 

Before moving to season the surface, you need to fully dry the skillet. Let it thoroughly air dry too. It is an essential step as the residual moisture could lead the surface to form rust. 

Step – 4: Season your griddle 

Seasoning the cooking surface means bonding oil to the steel. It will help you make your steel non-stick so that you can easily cook it. It also helps in deterring rust formation. 

To season the surface, take two to three tablespoons of vegetable oil. Take the help of a paper towel to spread the oil into every part of the grill. You also need to use oil on the sides and back rim. 

Now, you need to turn on the griddle burners at high temperatures. It will start smoking the oil in around 10-15 minutes. It will discolor the griddle as soon as the oil bonds to the steel. 

Step – 5: Repeat the process 

Let the surface be cooled down completely. Repeat the process 2-3 times. Now, your grill will turn out black. Therefore, it is ready to use. 

Final Words 

These are the best possible steps to clean and season the cooking surface. It will help you clean the cooking surface thoroughly. We hope you like the guide and find all the essential information in this article. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • How do you clean a Blackstone griddle after use?

These are the simple steps to clean the Blackstone griddle after use: 

  1. Firstly, let your grill be cooled down after cooking.
  2. Secondly, you need to scrape off all the residue particles from the grill.
  3. Now, scrub off the surface with a paper towel or microfiber towel. 
  4. Now, let your grill be dry and start its seasoning process. 
  • How do you clean and care for a Blackstone griddle?

You need to follow the basic steps to clean the Blackstone griddle. Scrape off the residue particles and wipe the surface with a paper towel. Then, you need to season the surface with the help of vegetable oil. It will make your grill long-lasting and let it cook the food better. 

  • Should I clean my Blackstone after every use?

Blackstone griddles can easily be chipped and get rusted if not cleaned regularly. Therefore, you need to clean the grill and reseason it after every use. 

  • How often should I clean my Blackstone?

You can easily keep a blackstone griddle working for around 15-20 years if you keep it maintained. It would help if you cleaned the grill regularly. It would help if you cleaned all the tough grease and food particles to make the griddle work properly. We would recommend you clean the Blackstone after every time you cook. 

  • Can I clean my Blackstone with soap and water?

Yes, you can effortlessly clean the Blackstone with soap and water. It would help if you mixed the dish soap and a gallon of water into a bucket. Gently clean your cooled-down Blackstone griddle with this soapy water. It would help if you also remembered to clean the Blackstone griddle’s sides. 

  • Can I use vinegar to clean my Blackstone?

Yes, you can easily clean the Blackstone griddle with vinegar. You have to pour the vinegar onto the surface of the grill. Then, you must scrub off the surface to clean the Blackstone properly. 

  • Can you ruin a Blackstone griddle?

If you do not clean your Blackstone grill after every use, it will accumulate burnt oils, sugars, and food residue. It will form a buildup upon your griddle surface. With time, if you do not regularly clean the griddle surface, it will ruin your Blackstone griddle. One thing you should remember is that when you season the Blackstone skillet, you must create a very thin layer of oil. 

  • Do you clean your Blackstone when it is hot or cold?

Firstly, scrape off food particles and other residues when the grill is hot. Scrubbing off all the particles while the grill is hot is very easy. Once it gets cold, it becomes difficult for you to scrape off the buildup. Therefore, try to clean it when it is hot and wipe it down when it gets cooled. 

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Priya Singh

Hey readers! I'm Priya Singh Founder of (, I am full-time Digital Marketer, Organic Affiliate Marketer & a Blogger.

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