The Best Colors to Wear If You Have Gray Hair, Hues to Complement Your Hair

Numerous elements in your life change when you make the decision to become gray. All of a sudden, you spend a lot less money on hair maintenance and make fewer salon appointments. However, other adjustments require more getting accustomed to, particularly if you’ve worn your hair the same color for a long time. The colors of clothing that suit you the best is one of the most important. When you had colored hair, you could have thought of yourself as someone who looks amazing in light pink or olive green, but now that you’re gray or silver, you might find that you’re drawn to other colors. We asked hairdressers to list the hues that work well on people with gray hair so you can manage this adjustment. There’s a hue for everyone, regardless of color.

The Best Colors to Wear If You Have Gray Hair, According to Stylists  

1. Opt for Blue

older woman with curly gray hair | MercerOnline

When styling with gray hair, avoid colors that mimic its hue, advises Patrick Kenger, a personal stylist. These colors can age you and diminish vibrancy. Instead, aim to complement your facial features. For instance, if you have blue or green eyes, wearing blue can accentuate them and bring attention to your vibrant features.

2. Embrace Brown

portrait of a successful confident mature grayhaired lady business picture id1304877912 | MercerOnline

The same principle applies if you have darker eyes. Colors like brown or hazel can be enhanced by clothing choices that highlight them rather than directly matching the gray in your hair, suggests Kenger.

3. Experiment with Charcoal

Woman with Gray Hair in a Shag Cut

Gray tones are not off-limits, but it’s essential to find shades that enhance your features. Kenger recommends avoiding wearing a shade of gray that matches the color of your hair precisely. Opt for darker grays if your hair is vibrant white and lighter grays if your hair is deep gray.

4. Stand Out in Red

woman gray hair

Regardless of eye color or undertones, red remains a striking choice for those with gray hair. According to Clare Holden, a designer and stylist, the combination of silver locks and red clothing exudes elegance and beauty.

5. Timeless Black

profile of smilling woman with gray hair pulled back

For individuals with cool undertones, black can be a stylish and flattering option. However, if black feels too harsh, consider softer alternatives like lavender or warm pink to brighten your look.

6. Warm Tones for Warm Undertones

pink outfit gray hair

If you have warm undertones, embrace warm colors like burgundy, fuchsia, or deep bottle green. These hues can uplift your complexion and hair color, creating a more sophisticated appearance.

7. Accentuate with Rose Gold Jewelry

hoop earrings

Certain jewelry tones, like rose gold, complement gray hair beautifully. According to Lexi Taubi, founder of Alexis Jae Jewelry, rose gold earrings can make the pink undertones in gray hair pop, unlike white gold or sterling silver, which may appear too monotone.

When styling with gray hair, remember to experiment with different colors and accessories to find what works best for you and enhances your unique features.

Priya Singh

Hey readers! I'm Priya Singh Founder of (, I am full-time Digital Marketer, Organic Affiliate Marketer & a Blogger.

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