7 Secrets for Growing Out Grey Hair: Expert Tips

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Rather than an abrupt ending, consider the option of a smoother transition when deciding to embrace your natural grey hair and bidding farewell to the familiar color you’ve had for decades. This significant choice comes with various questions about maintenance, blending grey with colored hair, and adopting a new haircare routine. To guide you through the transition without encountering an awkward, in-between stage of two distinct colors, we consulted hairstylists for their expert tips. Continue reading to explore the options available for growing out your grey hair seamlessly.

7 Secrets for Growing Out Grey Hair

1. Allow Natural Growth

curly gray hair.png

If you choose to let your grey hair grow naturally, anticipate a gradual process as hair typically grows half an inch per month. Regular haircuts every four to six weeks will maintain strength and health while minimizing the contrast between roots and ends.

2. Utilize Dye

hair dye

Dye offers flexible methods to transition gradually. Consider using ashy highlights to blend grey roots with colored hair during the transition. Alternatively, dyeing your hair to match incoming grey roots or adding lowlights/highlights helps create a seamless blend, avoiding harsh demarcation lines.

3. opt for a Big Chop

Woman Styling Gray Hair

For those averse to dealing with color or an awkward grow-out phase, a significant haircut is an option. Work with your stylist to plan gradual snipping that suits your face shape and eliminates grown-out color.

4. Incorporate Toner

purple shampoo in shower

Throughout the process, use a toner to maintain a pristine hue. Toning control color care is essential to counteract potential color changes from water deposits, minerals, styling, and oxidation. Your stylist can recommend suitable products.

5. Prioritize Hair Health

middle age woman with gray hair

Grey hair tends to be more brittle, so prioritize its health during the grow-out period. Use heat protectants to shield against the sun and styling damage, and ensure proper hydration with moisturizing shampoo, conditioner, and occasional hydrating hair masks.

6. Experiment with Accessories

woman touching gray hair

Embrace the opportunity to experiment with hair accessories like clips, headbands, and scarves to add a touch of glamour and camouflage regrowth. Accessories can also keep your hair out of your face during the growing-out phase.

7. Seek Professional Guidance

gray hair haircut salon

Transitioning to grey hair is a nuanced process, and consulting a professional stylist is advisable. They can provide personalized advice based on your hair’s condition, texture, and percentage of grey, recommending specific treatments or products for your beauty routine.

Remember, transitioning to grey hair is a journey, and professional guidance can ensure a smooth and successful process.

Priya Singh

Hey readers! I'm Priya Singh Founder of (MercerOnline.com), I am full-time Digital Marketer, Organic Affiliate Marketer & a Blogger.

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