How To Export Health Data from Your iPhone: 2 Ways Explained

Your iPhone’s Health app serves as a potent tool for monitoring your health and fitness information. It sincerely gathers data from various sources, enabling you to track your progress, recognize trends, and establish goals. But what if you want to share or safeguard this data? In this guide, I will demonstrate how to export Health data from your iPhone.

How to Export Health Data from Your iPhone, Using the Health App

The Health app includes an embedded feature allowing you to export your Health data as a ZIP file containing two XML files. These files contain all the raw data recorded by the Health app, although they may not be immediately interpretable. Nevertheless, you can use them for data backup purposes or import them into other applications compatible with XML format.

Follow these steps to export your Health data through the Health app:

1. Open the Health app and tap your profile picture.

2. Select “Export All Health Data.

export all health data | MercerOnline

3. Tap “Export” and choose a preferred location or app for exporting the ZIP file.

select a location | MercerOnline

Within the exported ZIP file, you’ll find:

  • Electrocardiograms: ECG records
  • export_cda.xml and export.xml: Medical records
  • Exercise routes: GPS coordinates from your workouts in .gpx format

However, please note that you can’t view the exported Health data directly on your iPhone.

Health App for Data Export: Limitations

Nonetheless, there are a few limitations when using the Health app for data export:

  • You cannot specify the specific health metrics you wish to export.
  • There’s no option to select a particular date or date range for data export.
  • Health information is exported in a complex-to-read XML format.

For these reasons, it’s advisable to explore third-party apps for exporting your Health data, as they often offer a more user-friendly experience.

How to Export Health Data Using a Third-Party App on iPhone

In addition to the default Health app on your iPhone, you can utilize third-party apps to export your Health data. We recommend the Health Reports app, which enables you to choose specific health metrics to include in a report that can be exported as a PDF, CSV, or JSON file. Here’s how to use the app:

1. Install the Health Reports app from the App Store.

2. Launch the Health Reports app and tap “Enable Health Access.

3. Select “Turn On All” and grant access to Health data.

4. Enter your full name and tap “Save & Continue.

enable health access | MercerOnline
How To Export Health Data from Your iPhone: 2 Ways Explained 1

5. Use the date selector to specify a date range.

6. Choose the health metric for which you want to export data.

  • You can further customize the report by tapping “Fine-tune settings.”

7. Tap “Generate report” and select “Save as PDF” or “Export.”·        

  • Alternatively, you can choose “Export” to save the report as a CSV or JSON file.


1. What types of data can I export from the Health app?

Ans:  You can export all the data stored in the Health app, covering activity, fitness, nutrition, sleep, blood pressure, and more.

2. Can I export my Health data to a spreadsheet or other format?

Ans: Yes, you can readily export Health data to various formats such as PDF, JSON, CSV, or XML using third-party apps.

3. Can I import my Health data into the Health app?

Ans: Importing Health data into the Health app isn’t natively supported. Nevertheless, certain paid third-party apps, like Health Data Importer, allow you to import XML backups into the Health app.

4. How can I transfer Health data from an old iPhone to a new iPhone?

 Ans:  You can access your Health data on your new iPhone without exporting it. Go to Settings Your nameiCloud Toggle on “Sync this iPhone” under Health.

Wrapping Up

The choice of method for exporting your Health data hinges on your specific requirements. If you simply need to export all your data to a single file, using the Health app may be the most straightforward option. However, if you’re seeking a way to export particular data types or convert data into a different format, a third-party app might better serve your needs.

If this guide has assisted you in exporting your health data, we’d appreciate your feedback regarding which method proved most beneficial.

Priya Singh

Hey readers! I'm Priya Singh Founder of (, I am full-time Digital Marketer, Organic Affiliate Marketer & a Blogger.

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